Qianjiang Hengcheng Logistics Co., Ltd.

It is a comprehensive enterprise with many years of history, specializing in chemical production,
trade, logistics and warehousing services

Qianjiang Hengcheng Logistics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009. The company specializes in hazardous chemicals automobile transportation. Its business scope is: general cargo transport, transport of hazardous chemicals. Hazardous chemical transportation category: 1 item in category 5,  3 items in category 8 and category 2(toxic gases). At present, the company has 8 dangerous chemical plate semi trailer, 6 dangerous chemical tank semi trailer. In 2014, the company was awarded the Enterprise Certificate of Safe Production Level 3 Standard issued by Hubei Provincial Department of Communications and the honorary certificate of Qianjiang Civilized and Honest Private Enterprise.


Qianjiang Hengcheng Logistics Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Company Add: #97, Building 8, southern district of Jaihai Mingyuan, #30, Jinqiao Road, Jiang’An District, Wuhan, China
Tel :+86-27-82882003/83295551
Fax: +86-27-82882002